Governmental & Non-Profit
Governmental & Non-Profit
Governmental entities have the responsibility of managing the finances for all kinds of public programs. Effective financial management in the public sector means understanding the risks and taking appropriate actions to protect taxpayer’s money while carrying out the objectives of the government’s programs.
The same is true for non-profit organizations as they carry out their missions. CPASSA offers a variety of services to governmental entities and not-for-profit organizations that help them do just that.
Our Expertise
We understand the complexities of budgetary and fund accounting and have a practical knowledge and expertise in compliance auditing. Our firm is comprised of principals who have served Nevada’s governmental and not-for-profit entities for over 30 years. We offer our clients an understanding that comes from experience and enthusiasm for the unique aspects of their industries, and they consider our firm a valuable resource when it comes to implementing new accounting standards and understanding their responsibilities with regard to compliance in federal and state programs.
Our expertise is in assisting governmental and not-for-profit organizations with meeting regulatory, donor-imposed, and other financial reporting requirements, including successful completion of annual financial statement and major federal award program audits (Single Audits). Silva Sceirine & Associates, LLC is a member of the AICPA Governmental Audit Quality Center and the Private Companies Practice Section, both of which are an expression of our commitment to audit quality in the governmental and not-for-profit industries.
Single Audits
Many not-for-profit organizations are fortunate to have a significant level of Federal funding that allows them to carry on programs that would otherwise be too costly to implement or maintain. Similarly, many state and local governments receive federal funding as direct- and sub-recipients of federal funds. These entities are all required to assess whether they are subject to audit requirements contained in the Uniform Guidance located in 2 CFR part 200. We have experience with:
School districts
Charter schools
State-level entities
Fire protection districts
Land conservation and environmental organizations
Special districts
Public retirement plans
Private schools
Service organizations
Healthcare organizations
We understand that diligence toward compliance is essential to maintaining federal funding. Silva Sceirine & Associates, LLC continually demonstrates an unmatched level of enthusiasm for helping organizations such as these with not only meeting their federal audit requirements, but understanding the ongoing compliance requirements specific to their type of funding.
Our audit team is comprised of individuals who specialize in Single Audits and we can assure you that with Silva Sceirine & Associates, LLC, you will receive the highest level of professional service from an accounting firm that is dedicated to serving organizations just like yours.
Please feel free to contact us for more information on Single Audits.
Consulting Services
In addition to audit and financial statement services, we are available for consulting services including:
Budgetary analysis
Internal control policy and Federal program compliance reviews
Financial forecasts and projections
GASB and FASB implementation guidance.
In carrying out our engagements, we utilize the latest technology and software, which coupled with our experience and in-depth understanding of our clients’ industries, allows us to provide efficient and cost-effective audit and consulting services that add value to our clients’ organizations.
A critical component of the audit process involves frequent communication with management. While professional standards establish minimum communication criteria, we believe that effective and frequent communication is paramount to the entire audit process. Therefore, we strive to make it easy and even enjoyable for you to talk with us at any time during the course of an audit – and any time throughout the year.
Please feel free to contact us for more information on our governmental and not-for-profit auditing services.